The Official DC Asian Pacific American Film Blog

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Only three films left

You'll be sorry if you miss them. The films today, all documentaries, will challenge and hopefully inspire your thoughts on the power of film, the role of mass media, the representations of Asian people in this era of modern communication, and the importance of making the lives of Asians and Asian Americans heard in this world-- one of the core missions of film festivals such as ours.

In The House of Sharing, the filmmakers focus on the lives of former Korean comfort women, living proof of the heinous act of military sexual slavery, a form of government-sponsored violence towards women. Their voices have been consistently and deliberately ignored and we owe it to them to be their advocates-- through this film and other ways-- so that they can reconcile with the lives that they have lost and that we can promise for such injustice to never happen again.

Vincent Who?
investigates perhaps the single most defining moment in American history where Asian Americans of all backgrounds came together under a singular identity to challenge the legal and media systems on their treatment of people of Asian descent as a protected racial class under the law. It is crucial for us to understand how this incident carved a new face in the racial politics of this country. It made us look at race in a way that was always present but was never was talked about before-- how Asians have been perpetually perceived as the Other, as foreigners, as "not really American". Sadly, these notions still exist, and with this film it is my hope that the community will be able to mobilize even greater around these issues.

The Killing of a Chinese Fortune Cookie
(pictured) shows how a simple food item linked to Asian cuisine has pervaded the pop culture landscape, making it's mark on the US and the world. It's more than just a story about a cookie-- it's a lesson in the power of a cultural trend and its impact on the consumer and the creative class that drives its popularity and existence.

Thank you to everyone that has supported these films and this festival! We have had a great 9th year and can't wait to bring you our 10th!


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