Guest Post: Wilson and Demetrius of "Of My God"
It's been a few weeks since Demetrius Wren and I attended the DC APA
Film Festival. And in all honesty, it's been very difficult to get
the experience out of my mind. It was truly one of the best festival
experiences of my life.
Asian American media has always been very important to us. I don't
need to explain how Asians have been stereotyped into either the kung
fu karate kids or the wimpy nerds or scientists in films. When we
heard our film "Of My God" was accepted at the festival, we jumped at
the chance to attend.
Five and a half hours later, on the Chinatown bus from New York City
to Washington, D.C., our enthusiasm was waning a bit--either from the
foul stench coming from the bus toilet or the Veggie Tales DVD
playing for the fifth time (probably both). We arrived in DC
Chinatown with no idea where in the Hell the Goethe Institute, and
neither did the cabbie who picked us up (and insisted we go to see
the "Go-Go Girls" instead). But a quick call to 411 remedied that
situation, and we were pleasantly surprised to discover the festival
was a hop, skip and a jump away from where we were standing. (Duh--
we were in freakin' Chinatown. Where else would the DC Asian Pacific
American Film Festival be?!?!)
The staff was extraordinarily accommodating and some of the coolest
cats, I've ever met. Demetrius and I were elated when our film was
so well received. I can never watch my film in person in front of an
audience, but it is the most extraordinary emotion in the world to
experience when someone tells you that your story impacted them. The
after-party was a blast, and I got the chance to meet and talk to
many more festival staffers. Most were in IT, but all were film-
lovers at heart. The next day it was back on the bus, back to the
smell and back to the city.
But we hope to be back at the festival next year with out next film,
WHAT'S WRONG WITH MR. CHAN. In the meanwhile, please continue to
support this extraordinary group of volunteers and staffers. They
need your support, and we need you to support them so that there will
always be a venue for high quality minority media.
-Wilson and Demetrius